Civic pride belongs to the people who are at the heart of the city they live in. It brings communities together and encourages everyone to feel a sense of pride by creating and maintaining a healthy city or town. Today, we want to inspire everyone to get involved in their community and show support by improving the place you live and work.

Why is civic pride important? The importance of civic pride means every community member feels a sense of pride for where they live. The people who live in a community are the same people who help their hometowns become better places to live. Businesses, schools, public service agencies, and community members all contribute to the efforts of making their community thrive. These contribution efforts are called civic pride.
How can I support civic pride? Supporting civic pride is easy to do. In fact, most people participate in civic pride and don't realize it. Participating in civic pride is essential for any community member. It builds trust between members in the community and in office, keeps dialog open about key issues, and creates better relationships between all residents.
Civic pride:
Enables citizens to influence local laws and policies that effect their community.
Helps promote and learn local values of businesses and residents.
Supports economic growth.
Encourages people who are overlooked or underheard to become a part of solutions and ideas.
Community Engagement
Engagement or participating in civic pride is when any member or groups of members engage in public concerns, issues, or activities. When community members work together to protect the public interests and improve the standard of living within their community, the values of civic pride are taking place. Addressing and promoting concerns and ideas increases the quality of life for every member of a community.
Support for civic pride is needed in every city and town to encourage fair democracy. The importance of having representation for all demographic backgrounds is essential. Oftentimes, minority groups feel underrepresented in communities because many are unaware of the benefits of civil engagement. Good civic engagement encourages everyone in their community to become a part of civic pride. It also means providing opportunities in neighborhoods to engage in civic pride.
Symbolism of Civic Pride
Many towns and cities across the world have their own symbol of civic pride. Normally, the symbolism is in the form of a landmark, such as a statue, monument or special marker. In fact, you can find most of these items in the middle of the town, such as a center or town square.
Volunteer for an organization in your community.
Attend fundraisers that raise money for community projects.
Start a community garden to encourage community engagement.
Participate in regular clean-up weeks to keep your city looking nice.
Work with the local tourist agency to encourage visitors to your city.
Provide information about ways to get involved in organizations.
Share your story and photos of civic pride engagement and post on social media using #NationalCivicPrideDay